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Sicinius Velutus

Sicinius Velutus is a significant character in William Shakespeare's play, Coriolanus. He is a tribune of Rome and plays a crucial role in the political turmoil that unfolds throughout the play. Sicinius, along with his fellow tribune Junius Brutus, represents the common people and their interests, often clashing with the patricians and specifically with the play's protagonist, Coriolanus.

Sicinius is a cunning and manipulative character, always seeking to gain power and influence. He is highly skilled in the art of rhetoric and uses his eloquence to sway public opinion. Sicinius is a master at exploiting the fears and desires of the common people, often using inflammatory language to incite them against Coriolanus, whom he sees as a threat to the balance of power in Rome.

Sicinius Velutus: The Voice of the People

As a tribune, Sicinius is committed to protecting the rights and welfare of the plebeians. He believes that the patricians have oppressed the common people for far too long and sees himself as their champion. Sicinius is not afraid to challenge the authority of the patricians, even if it means resorting to manipulation and deceit.

Throughout the play, Sicinius forms a close alliance with Junius Brutus, and together they conspire against Coriolanus. They successfully turn the people against him by accusing him of being a tyrant and an enemy of the state. Sicinius and Brutus exploit the public's fears of a strong military leader taking control of Rome, using this as a tool to bring about Coriolanus' downfall.

Despite his cunning and manipulative nature, Sicinius genuinely believes in the principles of democracy and the power of the people. He sees himself as the voice of the common folk, representing their desires and grievances. Sicinius' actions are driven by a desire for a fairer and more just society, even if his methods are questionable.

In conclusion, Sicinius Velutus is a complex and intriguing character in Coriolanus. He embodies the struggle between the patricians and the plebeians, using his rhetorical skills and manipulation tactics to further his own agenda. Sicinius' role as a tribune highlights the tension and power dynamics within the Roman society, ultimately leading to the downfall of Coriolanus.