Pericles, Prince of Tyre

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Gower is a character in William Shakespeare's play, Pericles, Prince of Tyre. He serves as the narrator and chorus throughout the play, providing important information and guiding the audience through the story. Gower is a poet and storyteller, known for his rhyming couplets and vivid descriptions.

Gower begins the play by introducing himself to the audience and setting the stage for the story that is about to unfold. He establishes himself as a wise and experienced character, someone who has seen and heard many tales. Gower's role as the narrator is crucial in helping the audience navigate the complex plot and understand the motivations of the characters.

Gower's Function in the Play

Gower's main function in the play is to provide exposition and connect the various plotlines together. He often appears on stage to deliver long monologues, explaining the background of certain events or characters. Gower's speeches are filled with poetic language and imagery, captivating the audience and adding depth to the story.

Additionally, Gower serves as a moral guide throughout the play. He frequently comments on the actions and choices of the characters, offering his own perspective on what is right and wrong. Gower's moral commentary adds a philosophical dimension to the play, forcing the audience to reflect on the consequences of the characters' actions.

Furthermore, Gower's presence on stage helps to create a sense of unity and cohesion in the play. His rhyming couplets and consistent style of speech tie the different scenes and acts together, giving the play a sense of continuity.

Gower's character is often portrayed as wise and knowledgeable, someone who has learned from his own experiences and can offer valuable insights to the audience. His role as the narrator and chorus in Pericles, Prince of Tyre is essential in shaping the audience's understanding of the play and its themes.