Grammar Lessons, Shakespeare Style

Shakespeare’s Grammar: Rhetorical Devices is really something out of a high school English class, but I love the use of examples from Shakespeare to show such vocabulary lesson concepts as alliteration, anaphora, and onomatopoeia. Ok, I’ll admit some of the terms are new to me, too. Fair is foul and foul is fair? That’s your basic “chiasmus” right there, ya see. And “Take thy face hence?” What you’ve got there is a synecdoche.

Did I ever tell you about the time I tried a new Mexican restaurant, and told the waiter, “I’d like the chicken and cheese chimichanga, because you can’t pass up an alliteration like that.” He didn’t appreciate the poetic significance.

How do you spell onomatopoeia? Just like it sounds.

Tags: Shakespeare

Lego Shakespeare Comics : Why I Blog :)!

Ok, I’ve got to show some love to Irregular WebComic, a comic strip that’s basically Lego characters with dialogue balloons over their heads. I’m digging it because he didn’t just do a Shakespeare gag, he has a whole Shakespeare theme.

(I do wish it was a bit funnier, though! Lord knows I love a good Shakespeare pun, but they have to be quick and off the cuff, you can’t think of the pun first and then fit the comic to the punchline. Then again I haven’t read every one so maybe some of them are better than others.)
Thanks to whoever stumbled me, by the way! I hope people stick around and browse awhile!