How Do Shakespeareans Do It?

As I walk around the building at lunch (8 laps, 2 miles) I notice bumper stickers. I see one that says, “Eventers do it 3 ways in 3 days.” I think, given the context of other stickers, that this is some sort of horse / show-jumping thing. But it makes me realize that there’s an audience that will get that, no matter how esoteric.

So I’m surprised to google “Shakespeareans do it…” and get no good bumper sticker answers.

No, the point of this post is not to collect ideas and then run off to start a bumper sticker business ;). Though if any good ones come up and there’s interest I could always change my mind!

Feel free to substitute in Hamlet, Macbeth, or other nouns besides “Shakespeareans” to keep it interesting.

When Shakespeareans do it, everybody dies at the end.

Shakespeareans do it with boys dressed as girls dressed as boys.

Hamlet does it with a skull.

Richard III does it for a horse.

Macbeth will do it tomorrow. And tomorrow. And tomorrow.

Shakespeareans do it with their tongues in your tail.

7 thoughts on “How Do Shakespeareans Do It?

  1. Well, the ASC's slogan, which features prominently on our T-Shirts and bumper stickers, is "We do it with the lights on." 😉

  2. Shakespeareans do it in repertory.

    Shakespeareans do it in five acts.

    Shakespeareans do it followed by a bear.

    Shakespeareans do it with classical training.

    Shakespeare did it with a feather.

  3. During my Ren drama seminar last semester, our professor decided we all needed a mental health day, so we spent the last hour of the class talking about and making ink. My group got to use the cheap method: soot.

    "Early modern literature: come for the Shakespeare, stay for the soot."

    "Shakespeareans do it in verse."
    "Lavinia does it hands-free."

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