Sign The Petition : Tennant’s Hamlet on DVD Personally I’m not really into this one, as not being a big Dr. Who fan translates to me not really caring much about this Tennant fellow.  But others seem to be falling all over themselves, so  I thought I’d send this petition some link love. Keeping in mind, of course, that in the history of things online, no online petition has ever made a difference to anything anywhere…ever. 🙂

Marjorie Garber Has A New Book? I was unaware that Marjorie Garber, she of “Shakespeare After All,” had a new book out.  “Shakespeare And Modern Culture” seems to cover quite a bit : makeup, movies, songs, motivational speakers, and so on.  It’s one of those “Shakespeare everywhere” things. I might like this one.  I found Shakespeare After All to be a hard read, the kind of thing that only the hardcore Shakespeare fans would truly appreciate. I’ve mentioned before, I’m always on the lookout that I could recommend to others to make them fans, you know? Shakespeare’s work, in her opinion, is so constantly mutable that it always exists in the present, whatever that present might be. The ways in which Shakespeare is interpreted in different eras say as much about those time periods as they do about the writing itself. I mean, that’s great.  I can totally get behind that.

Oh Happy Dagger, This Is Thy Sh….SON OF A B$%^&*()! Always check your props before going on stage.  You know, so you don’t accidentally use a real knife and damned near kill yourself. Did anybody watch the HBO series “Oz”?  There’s a similar Shakespeare moment when the prisoners are performing Macbeth, and one prisoner takes out the other by switching a real blade for the fake. By the way, the story linked above is not a Shakespeare play…but it is about Mary Queen of Scots, so I guess there’s a bit of a stretch connection :). Bonus points for astute readers who remember this story about Brutus stabbing himself when a similar mixup occurred.