Shakespeare’s Most Shocking Moment?

While discussing Emilia’s big final scene over in another post, I thought of a good question.

There’s plenty of killing in Shakespeare’s works.  Macbeth kills Duncan in his sleep, Hamlet kills Polonius (thinking him the king) in front of his mother, Tybalt kills Mercutio (accidentally?) and Romeo kills Tybalt (probably not accidentally).

Which do you feel is Shakespeare’s most shocking moment? The one that you absolutely do not see coming?  Plenty of people die in Macbeth, but I’m not sure if any of the deaths is shocking.  After all, when people aren’t dying or killing, they’re talking about it.  Lot of blood in that one.  The murder of Macduff’s family is scary, but you also know that the murderers have been dispatched, so you see it coming (even if you do see it from between your fingers, underneath your seat).

Mercutio’s death is pretty shocking, no doubt. Once upon a time we talked at length about how, up until this point, Romeo and Juliet is a romantic comedy. And then when the audience is least expecting it? Bang, likeable sidekick, dead. I think in fact that this one is so shocking that it takes a little while to sink in.  There’s still half a play left to go.

Hamlet’s attack on a defenseless arras is certainly up there.  He’s talking to his mom.  He hears a noise.  Thinking it *her husband*, not to mention *his uncle*, and oh by the way, *the frickin king*, he jumps up and without another word blindly stabs him. For a guy that’s spent the entire first half of the play saying “Let’s think this through…” it’s a pretty bold move.

But I think I’m going to give the prize to Iago murdering his wife Emilia right in front of everybody, to shut her up.

You think that we’ve already hit the climax of the play. Othello has
killed his wife, Emilia has discovered the truth, the authorities are
now on the scene and we’ve essentially moved into what I love calling
“the Horatio scene” where we wrap up all the loose ends before we go
home.  Or are we?


O thou dull Moor! that handkerchief thou speak’st of
I found by fortune and did give my husband;
For often, with a solemn earnestness,
More than indeed belong’d to such a trifle,
He begg’d of me to steal it.


Villanous whore!


She give it Cassio! no, alas! I found it,
And I did give’t my husband.


Filth, thou liest!


By heaven, I do not, I do not, gentlemen.
O murderous coxcomb! what should such a fool
Do with so good a woman?


Are there no stones in heaven
But what serve for the thunder?–Precious villain!

He runs at IAGO
IAGO, from behind, stabs EMILIA, and exit


The woman falls; sure, he hath kill’d his wife.

We know that Iago is an evil bastard before this, of course.  But he’s always been the schemer and manipulator. Now he’s in a room filled with the equivalent of a police squad ready to arrest him for his crimes.  Does he just run?  No, he *stabs his wife in front of everyone* first, and then he runs. That is just full on crazy, right there.  Afterward you can argue “Sure, it was always clear he was capable of something like that,” but that’s a world apart from seeing it coming.

I love to read Gratiano’s line as, “WTF, did he just kill his wife?!” like even the characters on stage can’t believe what just happened.

Any other contenders?  Make your case.

My Husband! My Husband?

So I was flipping through Othello today helping somebody look for a monologue, and I was struck by Emilia’s reaction to Othello right at the end of the play, where Othello basically says, “Iago told me everything,” and it all falls into place for Emilia.  Check it out:


Cassio did top her; ask thy husband else.
O, I were damn’d beneath all depth in hell,
But that I did proceed upon just grounds
To this extremity. Thy husband knew it all.


My husband!


Thy husband.


That she was false to wedlock?


Ay, with Cassio. Nay, had she been true,
If heaven would make me such another world
Of one entire and Perfect chrysolite,
I’ld not have sold her for it.


My husband!


Ay, ’twas he that told me first:
An honest man he is, and hates the slime
That sticks on filthy deeds.


My husband!


What needs this iteration, woman? I say thy husband.

Emilia repeats the exact same line 3 times.  Othello even asks her, “Why do you keep repeating yourself?”

Somebody get into her head for me.  How do you play that? Is it denial?  Not necessarily that her husband is a bastard, I’m sure she knows that – I’m thinking more that Emilia recognizes that if *she’d* seen through Iago sooner, then Desdemona might still be alive.

Or is it more like, “That son of a b*tch, I’ll kill him!” Like she’s not even listening to Othello. She’s already put everything together in her head, and now the fact that she keeps saying “My husband” over and over again has nothing to do with Othello.

Or something else?

Mostly just curious. If she’d said it once, or if she’d worded it differently each time, I wouldn’t even have noticed.  But the repetition is obviously there for a reason, so as an actor or director, how do you make it work? Why does she do that?

Who Was David Garrick?

Here’s one of those times where I get to ask the readers a question.  I’ve heard the name David Garrick mentioned frequently enough in the history of Shakespeare.  But I don’t really know much about him.  So, rather than just going to read his wikipedia page I thought I’d ask the audience.  What I’m mostly curious to is this – would you argue that he was a major positive force in crafting the image of Shakespeare we know today, or do you think that perhaps he did more harm than good by catapulting Shakespeare until into that “literary deity” realm, causing people to spend the last 200+ years trying to knock him back down to reality?

Tempest DVD Winners!

Thanks everyone for the amazing suggestions about what to do with all my Tempest DVDs!  It’s going to take me awhile to fully process what I can realistically do, but it seems like almost everybody suggested donating to local schools/clubs, so that will certainly be on the list.  I also like the idea of creating something, like producing a modern interpretation of a scene from the play. 

Anyway, I promised 3 winners chosen randomly, and here they are:  Cass, Brian and Alexi!  Even if I already have your address, please drop me a line so I don’t have to go searching for it.

Thanks for playing, everybody! Look for more opportunities to win (both from me and from some other Shakespeare blogs, hint hint big hint) soon!

Android Shakespeare

UPDATED APRIL 2, 2012 — My app is now available in the Google Play Store!  Thanks to everyone who helped test.

Ok, show of hands, how many of you out there have an Android phone or tablet device?  Note that this includes the new Nook and Kindle Fire devices, those are both Android.

Second question, how many of you would be interested in helping me test an application I’m working on?  This would involve me sending you a software “package”, you trusting me that I’m not doing anything bad to you, and you knowing how to get it installed on your machine when it doesn’t come from the market.  (Try that with an Apple device! :))  Note, in case you know enough about the terminology, that this in no way involves “rooting” your device.

As a career programmer I’ve forever wanted to combine my abilities at coding with my passion for my subject, and it’s always eluded me.  I’m the closest now that I’ve ever been, I’ve got an actual application that I’ve actually packaged and run on my phone.  It’s not beautiful, but that’s part of why I want other people to see it so I can ask you, “What should I make this do?”

Much like writing my first ebook, this is a learning experience.  The “meat” of the matter, the big where you have the idea or the feature or the content, you want to think that this is 90% of the job and then you just wrap it up and it’s ready for public consumption. It’s more like the other way around – the idea itself represents maybe 20% of the final, and then you’ve got a lot more work in “finishing” it.

Anyway, let me know. This post is going up late on a Friday so I have no idea who is going to see it, but I gotta start somewhere. Thanks!

UPDATED: By let me know, I meant email me.  I need some way to send you the files!  I probably should have been more clear about that.