Original Pronunciation Is Back In Vogue

I’m always fascinated when someone says, “This is what Shakespeare performance sounded like.” How do we really know?
Anyway, the topic’s come back around again this week because someone at the University of Kansas is staging Midsummer in original pronunciation, and it’s being dubbed “the first time in North America” that this has been the case. This is probably accurate, although it’s certainly been done elsewhere.
When I first blogged about this idea back in 2008 I said it sounded “A bit Scottish”, and I think that’s still accurate. (The ShakespearePost article linked at the time is no longer up, alas).
I wonder how much of the UKansas work is really just taken directly from David Crystal’s work? I mean, the man’s got an entire site dedicated to Pronouncing Shakespeare.
For the curious, pronunciation has come up a lot here on Geek over the years. Often with respect to John Barton, who knocks it out of the park in the Playing Shakespeare videos when asked to demonstrate for his students.

Today is Called St. Crispin's Day

…and all the Shakespeare geeks are posting their favorite references. Here’s mine, albeit a quick and unexpected one:

This is from The Anniversary episode of Fawlty Towers. The good bit is right around the 4 minute mark where Basil, having apparently forgotten his anniversary, is guessing at what today’s date might signify.

The Justin Bieber / Shakespeare Connection

Come on, you knew there was one!

Mr. Bieber, you see, grew up in Stratford. Though I’m loathe to say “grew up”, given that the boy’s barely into his teens.
No, Ontario. But, they have a Shakespeare Festival!
Oh! Did young Justin act! What part did he play?
Well, no. He didn’t act. He’s more a singer, really.
Oh…well, then, what play did he sing in?
Huh? So what role did he play in the festival?
None, really. But the festival brings in tourists, you see. Tourists who would see Mr. Bieber singing on the street corner.
So, the story really has absolutely nothing to do with Shakespeare?
Pretty much. Sorry, I wish the story’d been better. With the high young voice he probably could have had a shot at some of the female roles. If the festival casts that way, that is.

Shakespeare Novels, Coming Soon

David Blixt has long been a supporter of Shakespeare Geek, and I like to return the favor when I can. He’s not been around much of late, but that’s because he’s busy busy busy.
Besides being a professional Shakespearean with the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, he writes novels. About Shakespeare. (I’m sure he doesn’t want to be pigeon-holed like that, but that’s what we talk about here ;))
He posts a quick teaser about what he’s been working on lately, allow me to summarize:

This fall I finished a novel, a play, and a spec-script for a TV pilot. I’m also working on two plays for Shanghai Low Theatricals (both adaptations of great literature) and HER MAJESTY’S WILL, the Shakespeare Spy project I’ve been noodling with for a year or so

Meanwhile … I sat down and finished the play I’ve longed to write for years. It’s entitled EVE OF IDES, and takes place the night before Caesar’s assassination.

I’ve gone back to work on the third Verona book a few times this fall, just to remind myself of what was going on.

But yesterday I launched full out into working on another project I’ve long been considering – my Othello novel.

That’s allotta Shakespeare. If you’ve not read Master of Verona, go do so. Then watch for Mr. Blixt’s name, because you’ll be seeing it again.