“If you love and get hurt, love more.
If you love more and hurt more, love even more.
If you love even more and get hurt even more, love some more until it hurts no more…”
No. Just no. Even if you love Shakespeare, you can’t just say he said things he didn’t say.

I saw this on a page attributed to Shakespeare, on top of a picture of Christopher Marlowe, no less.
As always, it’s in several databases attributed to WS but never with an actual play, sonnet, or poem. So, no. It’s not Shakespeare. Shakespeare never used the expression “get hurt”, and rarely did he directly speak in the second person like that, as if he, the author, is talking to someone.
If anybody can actually show me some variation of this quote that makes it into Shakespeare, I’ll happily update this post. But I don’t think you’re going to find anything close.
Sorry not to be of better service. I know many people come here knowing it’s not Shakespeare and looking for the original source. So far, I don’t have anything for this one.
If You Love Actual Shakespeare Quotes
I have a whole category of Not By Shakespeare posts like this if you’re interested in more similar content. Sometimes, we do find an actual original source to attribute. But far too often, it sounds like something that came out of a Hallmark card or a Tumblr post that has no real original author other than “somebody on the Internet.”